Tipka za avtomatski odrez sukanca nam omogoča, da ob zaključku šivanja stroj s pritiskom na gumb sam odreže sukanec, kar pomeni, da nam sukanca ni potrebno ročno rezati s škarjami ali na vgrajenem nožku za odrez.Bagat – blagovna znamka, ki že od leta 1955 razveseljuje in zadovoljuje šivilje. Vsi se še spomnimo modelov iz družine Bagat
Free Boiler Grant UK: Everything You Need to Know About Government Schemes
If you're a homeowner in the UK, it's likely that you're looking for ways to save on your energy bills, especially with the rising costs of heating and hot water. One of the most effective ways to reduce energy costs is by upgrading your old, inefficient boiler to a more energy-efficient model. Fortunately, there is a government-backed initiative i